Our Learning Enhancement programme aims to meet the needs of all students and ensure that they are taught in a way that they learn best. A range of strategies and resources will be used throughout the school to enhance their learning experiences, create successful learners and build the foundations for life long learning.

Many students experience challenges as they move through school which could hinder their progress. We want to identify these challenges early and work together to overcome them. These challenges could be in relation to Language acquisition, Academic skills, Social and Emotional needs or being Gifted and Talented.

Learning Enhancement at HAIS

English as An Additional Language

Each student’s English language ability will be assessed during the admissions process to identify their level of English acquisition and knowledge. Those identified as requiring additional support will be provided with skilled individual support at the required level.

Learning Enhancement at HAIS

English as An Additional Language

Each student’s English language ability will be assessed during the admissions process to identify their level of English acquisition and knowledge. Those identified as requiring additional support will be provided with skilled individual support at the required level.

Learning Enhancement at HAIS

English as An Additional Language

Each student’s English language ability will be assessed during the admissions process to identify their level of English acquisition and knowledge. Those identified as requiring additional support will be provided with skilled individual support at the required level.

Learning Enhancement at HAIS

English as An Additional Language

Each student’s English language ability will be assessed during the admissions process to identify their level of English acquisition and knowledge. Those identified as requiring additional support will be provided with skilled individual support at the required level.

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